
Los Angeles Angels heat transfer paper outfielder Josh Hamilton: I'm 'off upstairs'

Los Angeles angels fielder dropped Josh Hamilton said Tuesday the sinus congestion has his "run upstairs."
Hamilton told this website, says he's sick sinus congestion, make him easy dizziness and sensitive, major league stadium lights.
"I just turned off," Hamilton said."But you want to Los Angeles Angels heat transfer paper write it, but you want to describe it - I just fell off."
Hamilton, said after Monday's game, six innings condition has been a problem during his career.Hamilton said that the latest round began in May 5, but insisted his body still feel "great".
"I feel bad, play many times, well done," says Hamilton, Tuesday evening began to hit the fifth such as angel's designated hitter."This has nothing to do with this. It's more, I want to say is likely to be in the field type thing - run base, and then go out on the battlefield, with lights, and all the things. This is not the best at this moment."
Hamilton said, he tried to find an antibiotic, in order to avoid the band-aid, "he insisted, disease, won't make his squad.
Angel first-year players, he signed a five-year, $125 million deal in December, said he would see an allergist to find a permanent solution.
According to Hamilton, this latest "eye keratitis disease has nothing to do with visual conditions, Hamilton and last season.Hamilton said, the problem is with caffeine consumption.

